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My name is Sebastian Brborich. I am 25 years old Illustrator based in Quito - Ecuador.

I graduated with honors CUM LAUDE at San Francisco University of Quito, with a digital animation degree. After getting my degree I focus on illustration itself.


Character design and portraits are the highlights of my work. 


In my path of improvement and getting a standard quality of the industry, I also

love to develop my skills on Background and prop design, Concept art in general

and lately trying to explore the world of splash art. 

Creating pieces that sends the right message and have a quality to them moves my passion on this path.

My goal is that each project has the best quality possible conceptually and artistically, to successfully send the desired message, transmit the right ideas and connect with people.

Respect is the fundamental basis of my personality, both in daily life and in the professional field.


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